
Deze ervaring zou iedereen moeten hebben die op zoek is naar een huis of zijn huis wil verkopen.
Wij zijn in contact gekomen met Escher Bookelaar afgelopen maart. Wij hebben het contact als zeer comfortabel ervaren. Escher heeft ons bij de eerste afspraak laten ervaren dat het belangrijk is om elkaar eerst te leren kennen, zonder enige druk van een huis kopen. Ons doel was voor over een aantal jaren, maar is op ons verzoek veel sneller gegaan. Wij hadden een aantal woningen uitgezocht die (helaas) al verkocht waren, maar doordat Escher onze wensen kende zijn wij geslaagd! Bij alle vragen die wij hadden en/of hebben heeft hij en zijn team waar mogelijk bijgestaan. Deze ervaring zou iedereen moeten hebben die op zoek is naar een huis of zijn huis wil verkopen.
We wanted to transfer the apartment to our company
In 2012 we bought an apartment in Torrevieja at playa acequion, due to the current financial policy in the Netherlands, we wanted to transfer the apartment to our company. This is not possible because it is a foreign investment so how to solve this problem. Through our Spanish friend Hans we came into contact with Escher, Comercial director of Golf Sun, he was called and an appointment was made for the next day. Explained him what was intended and he would contact his notary and lawyer. A day later we received an overview of what we had to provide, a week later the appointment with the notary was arranged, registered with the land registry, a Spanish company was established, and all this at costs so much lower than in the Netherlands! So if you are looking for someone knowledgeable with a team of great employees, turn to Escher Bookelaar from Golf Sun Spanish Properties!
We sold our property through Golf Sun
After years of unsuccessful attempts by other brokers to sell our apartment in Torrevieja, the team of Golf Sun was able to do so in a few months! The supervision, settlement in sales and the after sales of especially Mara was absolutely perfect. We highly recommend this very professional and experienced Golf Sun team for all your buying and selling property in Spain.

De begeleiding van Escher
Golf Sun en dan met name Escher heeft ons een drietal jaar begeleid naar het vinden van een geschikte woning om permanent in te wonen in Spanje. Dat is elke keer ongedwongen en zonder verplichtingen van hun uit op een zeer prettige manier gebeurd. Helaas door omstandigheden hebben we af moeten haken en zelfs toen we dat meldden, was er geen enkele wrok en leefden ze met ons mee. Mocht je overwegen een huis of tweede huis zoeken in Spanje dan raden wij Golf Sun ten zeerste aan!

Well what can i say?..
Well what can i say?... about January- mid January this year my friend, Christopher Milligan made a phone call regarding a unit on the end of the Cabo Roig Strip. We´d had a bit of a vision to do a bar, as it went on, back and forth in phone calls with the man who had the lease, we weren’t getting anywhere so I decided to ring up Bianca Kearney at Golf Sun, a friend of mine that I´ve known a long time, 15-16 years and as the saying goes “the rest is history”. As soon as I suggested it to her and told her the location, she was on it. Herself and Noelia in the office, got on to the man who had the lease, then got on to the owner of the unit, next were the water and electric companies to make sure everything was alright and had all been paid, to make sure the lads and I weren’t getting ourselves into a situation where we were going to be done, that everything was done above board and done right. It´s the 20 th of march now and I am sat in the bar, we have been open for 6 days, all down to Golf Sun, Bianca & Noelia. What more can I say?.. You have to use these guys to get the best service and advise, it’s a no brainer! That’s all I can say! Thank you to everyone at Golf Sun!